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"how term life insurance works", "return of premium term life insurance",
"no exam term life insurance" and "what is term life insurance" will be explained on this page.

American Mayflower Life Insurance Co. of New York,
Term Life Insurance

NOW Genworth Life Insurance Company of New York


Term Life America Insurance is proud to offer American Mayflower Life Insurance Co. of New York Term Life Insurance. Solid resources backed by a combination of innovative products and service beyond expectations.

Customer Service 1-888-265-5433

Genworth Life Insurance Company of New York

As of January 1, 2007, American Mayflower Life Insurance Company of New York merged into Genworth Life Insurance Company of New York, a Genworth Financial company, New York, NY.

Genworth Life of New York offers competitive term life insurance and universal life insurance.

Genworth Life of New York is rated A+ (Superior), the second highest of 16 ratings, by the A.M. Best Company. This rating represents A.M. Best’s opinion of the insurer’s financial strength and ability to meet ongoing obligations to policyholders, and is not an implied warranty of the company’s ability to meet its financial obligations. Rating is current as of 1/1/2007.

Genworth Life of New York is licensed in New York.

Genworth Financial is a leading insurance holding company in the United States. Genworth Financial companies are leading providers of term and universal life insurance, long term care insurance, annuities and money management, employee benefits and mortgage insurance. We invite you to learn more at genworth.com.

Rating Agency Rating Category Rating
A.M. Best Financial Strength A+
Standard & Poor's Financial Strength AA-
Moody's Financial Strength Aa3
Fitch Financial Strength AA-

get a quote www.standardandpoors.com
get a quote http://ambest.com
get a quote www.fitchratings.com 
get a quote www.moodys.com
get a quote Learn What Each Rating Means
get a quote Policy Owner Service

AML Term series

American Mayflower Life's now Genworth Life Insurance Company of New York,
Term 5/10/15/20/30 series offers the ability to have guaranteed, level premium, term coverage for the selected period with annual increases thereafter. Issue ages from 0-75 depending on guarantee period selected. The death benefit coverage is through age 79. Eight underwriting classifications.

Subject to the terms of Policy Form No. AM-1420 et al.
Underwritten by American Mayflower Life Insurance Company of New York.
Available only in New York.

>> Learn More

Get term life quotes from TermLifeAmerica.com-
Lewis Fink is licensed as a term life agent offering term life quotes in the following states: Term life quotes for:
Alabama - AL,  Arkansas - AR,  California - CA Colorado - CO Connecticut - CT Delaware - DE District of Columbia - DC,  Florida - FL, Georgia - GA Idaho - ID Illinois - IL Indiana - IN Iowa - IA Kansas - KS Kentucky - KY Term quotes for: Louisiana - LA,  Maine - ME Maryland - MD Massachusetts - MA,  Michigan - MI Mississippi - MS Missouri - MO,  Montana - MT Nebraska - NE New Mexico - NM, New Jersey - NJ New York - NY,  North Carolina - NCTerm quotes for: North Dakota - ND,  Ohio - OH Oklahoma - OK Pennsylvania - PA, Rhode Island - RI South Carolina - SC,  South Dakota - SD,  Tennessee - TN Term quotes for: Texas - TX,  Utah - UT Vermont - VT Virginia - VA, and Wisconsin - WI.  

We offer term quotes for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 year term periods. Our universal life products can be quoted to cover a term of up to age 120. Not all term product quotes from all term companies quoted are available in all states.

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